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in Saint-Mihiel
  • The seven Ladies of Meuse, like the seven Norwegian Sisters, are a very popular place for walking in Sami. The first, called the rock of Calvary, is the subject of an annual pilgrimage on the evening of Good Friday. A cave has been dug out of the rock and houses a Christ in the tomb, the work of a local artist named Mangeot. The second rock does not have a special name, at its mid-height, in a natural niche, a stone bench has been carved and is called the Bench of Lovers. Then comes the...
    The seven Ladies of Meuse, like the seven Norwegian Sisters, are a very popular place for walking in Sami. The first, called the rock of Calvary, is the subject of an annual pilgrimage on the evening of Good Friday. A cave has been dug out of the rock and houses a Christ in the tomb, the work of a local artist named Mangeot. The second rock does not have a special name, at its mid-height, in a natural niche, a stone bench has been carved and is called the Bench of Lovers. Then comes the Ronde Flaise (local corruption of the Ronde cliaise) because of its opulent shapes, then the Roche Plate (its access is very easy from the top). The fifth rock is dug by a huge fault, it is called the "Devil's Furnace". The penultimate one (the last rock is located in a private property), is nicknamed the guinguette, it was once danced there and the rock still bears the traces of pre-war constructions. It was once surmounted by a kind of stone table sculpted by erosion, it is also called the Devil's Table. This table was broken by a shell during the Great War.

    Symbol and curiosity of the city, these seven coral rocks are located at the exit of the city towards Verdun. The top of some rocks is accessible and offers a breathtaking view of the city.