in Prény
Medieval Fortress mentioned for the first time in the year 900 under Emperor Othon. It was the last and the most important defence for the dukes of Lorraine against the Bishops of Metz. The first dukes liked the fortress strategic building that never had been taken away. Before establishing the capital in Nancy, the dukes gladly live in Prény. Preny was the war cry of Lorrain soldiers. A part of the ruins is self-guided, the other part is conducted by a guide. Temporary exhibitions take...
Medieval Fortress mentioned for the first time in the year 900 under Emperor Othon. It was the last and the most important defence for the dukes of Lorraine against the Bishops of Metz. The first dukes liked the fortress strategic building that never had been taken away. Before establishing the capital in Nancy, the dukes gladly live in Prény. Preny was the war cry of Lorrain soldiers. A part of the ruins is self-guided, the other part is conducted by a guide. Temporary exhibitions take place in gardens.
Opening times: from Easter to All Saints' Day. Individuals: self-guided tour. Historical and descriptive.Free access to documentation.